목록전체 글 (6)

Property of LTI system: Predictable For example, I will get one drink if I insert 2 dollars into the banding machine. Then, when I put 20 dollars in that machine, how many drinks do I get? We can get the answer without something practical. This property is called "Predictable". We can denote such a system mathematically like this: $$ y(t) = f(x(t) \times h(t)) $$ From that equation, $h(t)$ is th..

1. How to represent numbers in computers As you know, Computer language consists of only 0 and 1. At this point how does a computer that can only recognize 0 and 1 understand vast numbers? What is certain is that just because a computer understands 0 and 1 does not mean it can only express 0 and 1. Computers use a lot of 0 and 1 to express a lot of numbers. the smallest data unit, that is, the s..

Before we start Specific things to know Computer architecture: High-level view of the basic design and operation of a computer. This includes the design of the processor, the data path, the memory approach, the input/output system, and the interaction between them. Computer Organization: A concept that includes a detailed description of the computer's hardware configuration and how these compone..

I want to start our discussion with a couple of signals 'Contionus-time signal' and 'Discrete-time signal'. 1. Sinusoidal signal Let's assume that the signal $$x(t) = Acos(2π*f_{0}*t+Φ) = Acos(w_{0}*t+Φ) ... EQ.①$$ $$A: amplitude$$ $$f_{0}: frequency$$ $$ Φ: phase$$ $$w_{0}: angular frequency or just frequency$$ Then, what if cosθ? As above, The cosine function repeats a repeated pattern (Every ..

Before Start As I mentioned, SIgnal is a kind of information. Of course, it can describe most of the physical phenomena. For example, Figure 1.1, the pattern of variation over time in the source and capacitor voltages, Vs and Vc, that is a case of signals. Another one, Figure 1.2, the variation over time of the applied force f and the resulting automobile velocity v are also can be a signal. 1.1..
BASICS Signal is a function of time that carries information. e.g). voltage, current, audio, etc Therefore, signals are expressed as analog or digital signal, and various measured values such as sound, electromagnetic waves, images, or sensor output values may be expressed. →"Signal Processing" "Analog" and "Continuous" are terms related to signals that are often confused. However, these two ter..